Stephanie Pezzullo
“Pezz” is a professional soccer player turned elite runner. Since her running career started in 2006, she has qualified for the Olympic Trials 5 times, running a personal best of 2:32 for the marathon in her debut.
Coach Pezz blends her Exercise Science degree with her extensive personal athletic experience to create quality, proven, customized training. Her biggest passion is helping other athletes achieve success.

Coach Pezz’s Running Records
- Marathon – 2:32
- Half-Marathon – 1:13:05
- 5k – 15:52
As a Professional Soccer Player turned Elite Runner, Pezz has competed and raced in a variety of distances around the world. Throughout her distance running career which started in 2006, she has placed in the top 10 in 8 USA National Championship events and has qualified for the Olympic Trials 5 times since 2008 [Marathon (3x) and the 3k Steeplechase (2x)
In 2012 she was named Runners World “Top Ten Marathoners of the year” because of her debut marathon at Chicago where she came in the top 10 and ran a time of 2:32 (5:48 pace). Most recently, she qualified for the 2020 Olympic Trials in Atlanta, GA and finished 39th out of the 500 fastest women in the country.
Pezz’s biggest passion is helping other athletes to achieve success. In the last 10 years she has coached over 400 runners and triathletes of all ages and abilities around the globe. She has also enjoyed coaching High School Cross Country for several schools throughout NC and Florida.
Coach Pezz blends her Exercise Science degree from Penn State with extensive personal athletic experience to create customized training for clients worldwide. Whether at the beginning of your fitness journey or an experienced athlete, Pezz will craft a training plan to match your unique run history, goals, and lifestyle.
As you work towards your goal, Coach Pezz will continue to motivate and inspire you to stay on track!